Creating a HAR record for a session Follow
Sometimes you can see an issue for your site but customer engineers cannot replicate the same issue.
In this case, a HAR record (or HTTP Archive) might be useful for Section to diagnose the problem.
Open Chrome Developer Tools.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + i on MS-Windows.
- The Developer Tools panel should open either on the right of the screen or on the bottom.
- Click the "Network" menu item on the top menu bar of the panel
- Open the page you are having issues on and wait until everything is fully loaded. Make sure the issue has occurred in the current session.
- Then right-click anywhere on the list of items in the Network waterfall and select "Save as HAR with content".
- Save the HAR file and send it to us along with a description of what has gone wrong.
This will provide us with a lot more information to be able to track down the exact cause of the issue.
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