How do I clear the entire Varnish cache? Follow
Note: This article is for only users who want to clear their entire Varnish cache. If you have other proxies in your stack that need their caches cleared or you are not trying to clear the entire cache, you should find the article that explains what needs to take place in your particular situation.
Clearing Varnish Cache
Sign in to the Section Console and navigate to your environment's overview page.
Once signed into the Section Console, you will need to navigate to the Clear Cache page by selecting the Clear Cache link in the left-hand navigation bar. See the image below for details.
On the Clear Cache page, you should verify the following:
- That you are on the Clear Cache page for the correct application and environment.
- That you are clearing the Varnish's cache and not another proxy's.
After you have verified the correct application, environment, and proxy have been selected you will then select Empty the entire cache and then confirm your choice by selecting the red Empty the entire cache button. See the image below for details.
Note: You have now cleared the entire Varnish cache and should see a green checkmark and a message flash across the top of the screen communicating that the action has been performed. In the time that it takes for the Varnish cache to refill your origin server will have to serve every request that comes in so this action should not be performed during high traffic volume. Also, your users will experience slower page loads until the cache located at the Edge refills as every asset must now be fetched from your origin.
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